Dear friends,
Trees grow deep roots and broad branches when nourished by water and grounded in good soil. They sprout leaves, flowers, and fruit in abundance. They survive storms and draught. The land, plants, and water all around us are gifts from God.
Similarly, we grow spiritually when nurtured by scripture, the sacraments, and community. The Spirit inspires us, and Christ gives us peace in turbulent times. We are blessed to be part of Christ Church in this season when we are growing in diversity, size, and vitality.
Our own giving begins with gratitude. I would like to thank you for supporting Christ Church last year, through the years, and for making a faithful pledge to support Christ Church next year. Please consider giving generously out of thanksgiving for what God has done in your life and in this community.
Your pledge makes possible our worship, preaching, and teaching; our outreach, collaborations, and parish events; our ministry to children, teens, and the homebound. Last year, we set a goal of $425,000 in pledges and achieved the highest level of pledging in many years. This year, we are confident that we can reach our target with your increased participation and generosity.
Your faith and love for one another are the heart and soul of Christ Church in our Sunday services, our weekday gatherings, and our impact in the wider community. Thank you!
Abundant Blessings,
The Rev. Bowie Snodgrass
A pledge is an annual commitment of financial resources to the church. Episcopal churches use the term “stewardship campaign” to describe the annual effort to collect pledges of financial support from parishioners to fund the operating budget for the coming year, allowing our ministries to be possible. Pledging gives us a chance to assess our priorities in a planned and thoughtful manner.
Pledge cards are mailed to members of the congregation in the fall and also are available in the Parish Office throughout the year. You also may choose to send an email to the Parish Office to confirm your commitment or pledge online.
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