God created the world and called it good. God calls each of us good and blesses us with spiritual gifts. Stewardship is our generous response to God’s love. Out of our material abundance, we are called to give back to God with gratitude and faith that God will provide. In addition to our individual stewardship, Christ Church strives to be a generous church, sharing our time, talents and treasure with the wider community, our diocese, and the world. 

Make Your 2025 Pledge Online!


A pledge is an annual commitment of financial resources to the church. Episcopal churches use the term “stewardship campaign” to describe the annual effort to collect pledges of financial support from parishioners to fund the operating budget for the coming year, allowing our ministries to be possible. Pledging gives us a chance to assess our priorities in a planned and thoughtful manner.

How can I make a pledge?

Pledge cards are mailed to members of the congregation in the fall and also are available in the Parish Office throughout the year. You also may choose to send an email to the Parish Office to confirm your commitment or pledge online.

Make Your 2025 Pledge Online!


Loved ones can be remembered in many ways and through many wishes. The glory of gifting embraces our foundation of living a life of faith and God’s eternal blessing. We welcome personal conversations as to how you wish to remember your family and loved ones through special dedication or desired remembrance. Please contact the Rev. Bowie Snodgrass directly to discuss your personal thoughts.


Individuals wishing to make a bequest to Christ Church in Short Hills should first notify the church clergy of their intention. 

Those wishing to restrict their bequest to a particular purpose are encouraged to allocate it to one or more of the permanent endowment funds:

  1.  The Christ Church Memorial Fund for Buildings & Grounds
  2.  The Christ Church Memorial Fund for Christian Education 
  3.  The Christ Church Memorial Fund for Music 
  4.  The Christ Church Memorial Fund for Outreach
  5.  The Christ Church Memorial Fund for Worship

Individuals and families that wish to contribute to the endowment without further restriction should specify that the bequest be placed in The Christ Church Memorial Permanent Endowment Fund. Restricted bequests directed to the endowment funds specified above and unrestricted bequests do not need to be approved by the Vestry.

Restricted gifts for specific projects require the approval of the Vestry. Restricted gifts will first be reviewed by the appropriate committee of the Vestry and, upon recommendation of that committee, considered by the full Vestry.


“Planned giving” is the general phrase for a variety of methods used to make charitable donations to designated organizations or causes. The intent allows for an individual to contribute a charitable gift(s) that provides some form of benefit to the donor, while offering advantage to gain to the gifted entity. Gifts to Christ Church in Short Hills can be made through a number of ways: A Bequest in a Will, A Life Income gift (such as a pooled income fund), charitable gift annuity or charitable remainder trust or Gifts of special assets, including cash, real estate, or life insurance.


Interment in the Cooper Memorial Garden is available for $2,500.00. The proceeds are placed in the endowment and credited to the Cooper Memorial Garden Fund. For more information, contact the Parish Office

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