Church youth aged 13 or older serve at the Altar for worship services by carrying torches, crosses, incense and in assisting the priest with the vessels for the Eucharist.
Members of our parish family prepare the Holy Table and worship space for Sunday Eucharist, as well as other worship services.
Our ministry team delivers Sunday Altar flowers to parishioners as a weekly gesture of caring within our parish community. Flower Ministry members welcome requests for a loved one who may be homebound, recovering from illness, or celebrating a special occasion.
During both Sunday services, a parishioner offers the Prayers of the People.
These weekly prayers embrace standardized prayers being followed by millions of Christians around the globe on the same Sunday, as well as specific prayers that address the concerns of our parish family and the Diocese of Newark.
To make a request, contact the
Parish Office.
Layreaders: Weekly Sunday services are built upon our tradition of inviting all of God’s members of the parish to read weekly lessons from the Old and New Testaments during the Sunday Eucharist service.
Sidesmen: Episcopal Church in the United States recognizes the tradition of “sidesmen,” who serve as chalice bearers at the Eucharist, following the practice in England of lay persons assisting at the Altar. Our men and women participate in weekly services at the Rector’s invitation to bear witness in celebration of the Eucharist.
Ushers: Our welcoming ministry of parish greeting and hospitality is evident in our house of prayer by members of the parish who serve as ushers on every worship occasion.
(973) 379-2898 /