This week, we join Christians around the world and across the centuries in observing Holy Week.
From Palm Sunday through Easter, we participate in the story of Christ’s Passion as we remember Jesus’ journey to the cross. We join the disciples for the Last Supper and repent for the ways we too have betrayed and denied Jesus in our own lives.
We join the crowd who witnessed the crucifixion and the apostles who find the tomb empty on Easter. These ancient and contemporary liturgies, prayers, music, and silence open our hearts to God’s grace and unfathomable love for his only begotten son and for each of us.
Journeying through Holy Week we remember that love conquers death and the mystery of faith: Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again.
Come join us.
Palm Sunday
Sunday, March 24 | 8am & 10am
This Sunday, we gather to celebrate Jesus' triumphant entrance into Jerusalem. We hear the powerful Passion according to Mark and begin the most sacred week in the Christian year.
10am service livestream available here.
Holy Week Morning Prayer
Monday–Friday | 8:30am
Begin your day with Morning Prayer, a time of abiding with God in community.
Holy Week Evening Prayer
Monday, Mar. 25 & Tuesday, Mar. 26 | 7pm
Join us at 7pm in the Nave for the simple beauty of Evening Prayer, a traditional Anglican service.
Tenebrae Service
St. Stephen’s, Millburn
Wednesday, March 27 | 7:30pm
In this service, candles and other lights in the church are gradually extinguished until only a single candle, a symbol of our Lord, remains.
Service livestream available
Maundy Thursday Service
and Simple Supper
Thursday, March 28 | 6:30pm
We meet in the Parish Hall for supper at 6:30pm as we live our own way into the story of Jesus’ Last Supper with his disciples. Foot washing will be offered – a powerful exercise of faith instituted by our Lord. The service progresses into the Church for the stripping of the altar. Then we process to and keep vigil in the Memorial Garden remembering Jesus’ final hours in the Garden of Gethsemane, where he was arrested.
You are invited to bring a pot of soup to share on Maundy Thursday. Let Rev. Paul know if you can help.
Rite of Reconciliation
Friday, March 29 | 9am
Receive counsel, encouragement, and absolution through the Rite of Reconciliation – aka confession. You are invited to participate in the rite on Good Friday or by appointment throughout Holy Week.
Stations of the Cross
Friday, March 29 | 3pm
Join us in the field as we walk the Stations of the Cross, a service designed for children, youth, and families. All are welcome.
Good Friday Liturgy
Friday, March 29 | 7pm
We mark Good Friday and gather in somber contemplation of Jesus’ crucifixion, the ultimate sacrifice. And we join with Anglicans around the world in a freewill offering for the church in Jerusalem. The Rev. Dr. R. Kevin Johnson will preach.
Service livestream available here.
The Great Vigil of Easter
Saturday, March 30 | 7pm
As the sun goes down, we light the new Easter fire. Together we tell the stories of our redemption as we transition from the darkness of Lent into the joy of Easter. This ancient service from the early church is a deep and mystical liturgical experience with beautiful music, candles, flowers, and Eucharist. The Rev. Paul Keene will preach.
Service livestream available here.
Easter Sunday
Sunday, March 31 | 10am
On Easter morning, we celebrate the resurrection and God’s unfailing love, filling the church with music, flowers, and Easter Joy. Easter Music for Choir, Brass and Organ by Peeters, Rutter, Hancock, and Callahan. The Rev. Bowie Snodgrass will preach.
Service livestream available here.
The joy will continue after the service as we invite the children to our Easter Egg Hunt!
You are invited to bring a batch of cookies to share during coffee hour on Easter.
(973) 379-2898 /