Members of Christ Church in Short Hills founded Careers in Transition (CIT) in the late 1980’s amidst job market uncertainties. The group is ecumenical and diverse with members coming from a far reaching geographic areas. CIT is more than a networking group, with leadership professionals offering insight, tools and techniques for navigating new career strategies in the current workplace environment. Discussion topics include resume writing, interviewing, use of social networking sites, mapping of career strategy, time management skills and suggestions for keeping positive. The group is recommended by job search professionals and members as one of the best small groups in the area.
The group meets on the first and third Saturdays of each month, from 8:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. in the gymnasium of Christ Church Nursey School/Winston School building located behind the church on East Lane. For additional information, please contact
Sandra Johnson.
Martha and Mary! is open to all women of Christ Church in Short Hills. We meet six times a year on Tuesday evenings in the church kitchen to prepare food for those in need and for select Outreach church events. Our lively dialogue provides food for our souls. During meal preparation, we discuss optional readings as an open exchange of ideas.
Working with the Pastoral Care Committee, the Flower Ministry and others, we deliver prepared meals to individuals or families. Future plans include publishing a new edition of the ‘Christ Church Cooks’ cookbook. For information, contact
Joanne Gordon or
Lisa Gadsden.
All are welcome to join us for an informal, one-hour lunch. You only need to bring a brown bag lunch and we supply the beverages. This group of individuals and families enjoys lively conversation, shares news of families and friends, and delight in each other’s spirited camaraderie. Contact
Peggy Baggaley.
Scout Troop 15 is sponsored by Christ Church in Short and was first chartered in 1926. Our resident Troop 15 has distinguished itself as one of the finest, most active Boy Scout troops in our area. Scouting teaches values, leadership, the value of community service and provides fellowship and adventure for the Scouts, adult leaders and parents.
Troop 15 meets weekly on Monday evenings from 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. in the gymnasium of The Winston School, located adjacent to the church on East Lane. For information, contact
Carol Pinkus, Assistant Scoutmaster.
(973) 379-2898 /